John McCain Picks Sarah Palin for VP

This is a simple ad, but the best part of this has Governor Palin shooting an assault rifle with the military.    Very cool.  I’m looking forward to her debate with Joe Biden.  Biden is likely to come off like the true blow-hard that he is. Wants $10 Per Gallon Gasoline

I couldn’t quite believe it when I had a friend of mine tell me that he really believed that $10 per gallon gasoline would be a good thing.  He actually wanted the U.S. to face a recession similar to the one that Japan faced in the 1990’s.  Apparently my friend’s sentiments weren’t all that unusual.

In this video, Barack Obama supporters at a rally readily admit that they want gasoline to cost $10, $20, even $30 per gallon.  When asked how this would affect a single mom with a minivan, their response was, “she shouldn’t be driving a minivan”.

These are the types of people that will be in an Obama administration.  For those of you on the fence, keep this in mind!  Don’t think that the “progressive” agenda won’t amount to outrageous energy costs.

They just want you to sit there and sweat in your hot, dark house all in the name of global warming.

Offshore Drilling Ban to Expire October 1st

That’s right folks….if the Democrat led Congress doesn’t renew the ban. Think about it…we have $4 per gallon gasoline, billions of dollars per year going to Saudi Arabia and the Middle East, a Democrat presidential candidate telling you to save gas by filling up your tires, and a Democrat congress that will actually renew a ban on drilling for our own resources. All I have to say is I better not hear a word from a liberal anywhere about us being dependent on foreign oil if they actually go through with this.

The saving light for this looming issue may be the Republicans. Republicans are actually threatening to shut down Capitol Hill to ensure that this ban does expire on October 1st. It may get hairy though…in order to do this Republicans would have to vote against a resolution to fund the federal government for the 2009 fiscal year. A similar tactic was done in 1995 when a Newt Gingrich led congress tried the same thing and it blew up in the Republican’s face. The public blamed Republicans for late Social Security checks and lost Medicare checks.

However, this time public opinion is in the Republican’s corner. The overwhelming majority of Americans support drilling for our own resources, so what is necessary is informing them of the Democrat led effort to renew the ban on offshore drilling. The Republicans have five weeks until Congress is back in session. Can they do it? It’s a tall task when the media is doing everything they can to elect Barack Obama along with every other Democrat in the country.

Spread the word and call your congressman to oppose this ban on drilling!