The End Goal: Single Payer Health Care

Obama versus the Dow

The Dow Jones Industrial Average after passage of the stimulus bill

The Dow Jones Industrial Average after passage of the "stimulus" bill

Here’s a shocker.  Mr. Hopenchange (Barack Obama himself) has now presided over the fastest and most significant drop of the Dow Jones Industrial Average for a new president in at least the last 90 years according to Bloomberg.

I honestly don’t worry that much about me and my immediate family as much as I do about my parents and my in-laws.  I’m only 30 and I have a lifetime of income in front of my.  However, my parents and others in their 60’s and 70’s do not.  They’ve just watched 30-50% of their saved income vanish.

This Obama administration is going to do their best to pass the buck to George W. Bush.  You’re supposed to forget the fact that all of this has happened under a Democratic-led congress (in power since 2006 in case you Obama voters didn’t know).  Blaming Bush will only go so far…perhaps until August.   Sure, the previous administration made some errors, such as spending too much.  Democrats are doing their best to justify outrageous spending by confronting us with the outrageous spending under the Bush White House.  You don’t fix the problems arising from excessive spending by more excessive spending.

What’s the Obama Adminstration’s response to all this?  They’re not going to make policy based on what the Dow does.  Yeah, it’s pretty obvious they don’t care about the life savings of the majority of Americans.

In large part, this is a crisis of confidence.  There won’t be a recovery until the leader of the free world decides to stop stoking fear in the heart of American investors and businesses.

Obama’s favorite words lately seem to be “crisis” and “catastrophe”.  That’s really a shame.  A man as gifted a communicator as Obama (at least while he’s on a teleprompter) could really inspire Americans to believe in themselves and thus help us get out of this recession.  But that won’t happen.  Obama believes in government, and more government is what you’re going to get.

Or maybe more food stamps is their idea of compassion.


The Dow Jones Industrial Average has fallen faster under President Obama than under any new president in at least 90 years, according to a review conducted by Bloomberg.

Bloomberg reports that since Inauguration Day, the Dow has fallen 20 percent, leading at least one investor to dub this the “Obama bear market.” The Dow has also dropped 31 percent since Election Day.

Despite a string of government bailout offers and Obama’s advice earlier this week that Americans should be buying stock while shares are low, the Dow has continued to freefall.

Bloomberg reported that Obama is at risk of breaking a historical trend — in which the Dow soars an average of close to 10 percent in the first year after a Democrat wins the presidency.

Plus: Obama’s radicalism is killing the Dow

The Effectiveness of the News Media

In the aftermath of this election, conservatives, Republicans, and anyone who supported John McCain was asking themselves one question: “how the heck did this happen?”.  I mean, seriously, if you told me two years ago that we were going to elect a man for president with virtually no executive experience, with an ideology far left of mainstream America, and with a middle name of Hussein, I just never would have believed you.  But, I guess, that’s water under the bridge now.   So, how did this happen and how do we prevent a hoax like this being pulled on us again?

The reason that this election was an elaborate hoax is because the majority of people who voted for Barack Obama simply had no idea what he stood for.  They had no idea about his past accomplishments and no idea about his past associations.  They, in large part, didn’t even know what he voted for or against in the past.  They simply didn’t care because he looks nice, gives a great speech, and apparently touches the emotions of millions because he is a black man.  All I can say is bravo to the Democrats for running a phenomenal campaign….you managed to pull a good one on us this time.  Let’s see if you can manage to fool the electorate again in four years.  They only way that will happen is if we and the rest of America isn’t paying attention.  We obviously weren’t this time.

A poll was conducted by Zogby and paid for by a man named John Ziegler into what Obama voters knew and believed about the candidates running for election.  Also included are some general questions about government.

  • 57.4% of Obama voters could not correctly say which party controls congress. (The Democrats have for the past two years, by the way)
  • 82.6% of Obama voters could not correctly say that Barack Obama won his first election by getting opponents kicked off the ballot
  • 88.4% of Obama voters could not correctly say that Obama said his policies would likely bankrupt the coal industry and make energy rates skyrocket
  • 56.1% of Obama voters didn’t know that Obama started his political career at the home of Bill Ayers, an unrepentant terrorist.

Surprising?  Not so much.  But what is surprising is how good they are at associating certain things with Sarah Palin.

  • 94% of Obama voters correctly identified Sarah Palin as the candidate with a pregnant teenage daughter.
  • 86% of Obama voters identified Palin as the candidate who spent $150,000 on a campaign wardrobe.
  • 86.9 % of Obama voters though that Palin said that she could see Russia from her “house,” even though the quote actually came from Saturday Night Live.

What this shows is how effective the news media is…extremely effective when they want to be.  CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC all did plenty of leg work to destroy Sarah Palin and it worked.  What would have been the result if those comments about bankrupting the coal industry were as widespread as Palin’s pregnant daughter?

This video is well worth watching.  If you’re still wondering how Obama got elected, this video will clear the air for you. 

Plumber Joe and Barack Obama: The Full Video

h/t New York Post

This is an excellent video showing the full conversation between “Joe the Plumber” and Barack Obama.  Obama is clearly off script here, because he lets it slip that his tax plan is really to “spread the wealth around” (translation: income redistribution).

Close to 40% of Americans pay no income tax!  So how can someone who pays nothing, get a tax cut?  Answer: They can’t!  It’s really pretty simple.  If you don’t pay taxes, you can’t get a tax cut!

The Wall Street Journal published a fine article this week explaining how Barack Obama plans to give a “tax cut” to 95% of Americans.  It has to do with redefining what a “tax cut” is.  A Barack Obama “tax cut” to someone who doesn’t pay any taxes turns out to be a check from the government.  Call it what you want….welfare, income redistribution, etcetera….but it’s no tax cut.

When you take money from one group and give it to another, it’s called income redistribution and it isn’t American.  Where is the federal government given power to redistribute income?  How do they get to determine how much each person is entitled to?  Why does Barack Obama get to decide what is enough? “$250,000 a year is enough for you, so I’m going to take it from you and give it to someone else.”  I guess the American dream only goes up to $250,000 a year now.

Barack Obama plans to redistribute income and wealth in this country via the tax code and has no business becoming our next president.

Angry, Mean Obama Supporters?

I keep hearing about all the reports of rage and hatred at McCain-Palin rallies.  The liberals are outraged and scared of the McCain “mob”.

What a joke.  This is how liberals treat McCain supporters in New York city.  Anything at a McCain rally would likely be pretty tame compared to this.

Sing for Change – Obama’s Youth

Coming to a government run school near you after November 4th, 2008.

This is eerily similar to Hitler’s youth and many of the other communist regime’s when children sang to their dear leader.  The original video has been pulled from YouTube.  It’s only a matter of time before this one will be gone too.

Reportedly, one of the “community leaders” behind this video is none other than Jeff Zucker, the President and CEO of NBC.  It’s obvious this was well organized with professionally made T-shirts and a professional camera crew.

This is really disgusting…the exploitation and indoctrination of children for a political leader.

Dear Mr. Obama

The liberal media have attacked this as made by the McCain campaign.  It wasn’t.  This was made by one individual and it expresses the sentiments of the majority of military personnel.

John McCain Picks Sarah Palin for VP

This is a simple ad, but the best part of this has Governor Palin shooting an assault rifle with the military.    Very cool.  I’m looking forward to her debate with Joe Biden.  Biden is likely to come off like the true blow-hard that he is. Wants $10 Per Gallon Gasoline

I couldn’t quite believe it when I had a friend of mine tell me that he really believed that $10 per gallon gasoline would be a good thing.  He actually wanted the U.S. to face a recession similar to the one that Japan faced in the 1990’s.  Apparently my friend’s sentiments weren’t all that unusual.

In this video, Barack Obama supporters at a rally readily admit that they want gasoline to cost $10, $20, even $30 per gallon.  When asked how this would affect a single mom with a minivan, their response was, “she shouldn’t be driving a minivan”.

These are the types of people that will be in an Obama administration.  For those of you on the fence, keep this in mind!  Don’t think that the “progressive” agenda won’t amount to outrageous energy costs.

They just want you to sit there and sweat in your hot, dark house all in the name of global warming.

Offshore Drilling Ban to Expire October 1st

That’s right folks….if the Democrat led Congress doesn’t renew the ban. Think about it…we have $4 per gallon gasoline, billions of dollars per year going to Saudi Arabia and the Middle East, a Democrat presidential candidate telling you to save gas by filling up your tires, and a Democrat congress that will actually renew a ban on drilling for our own resources. All I have to say is I better not hear a word from a liberal anywhere about us being dependent on foreign oil if they actually go through with this.

The saving light for this looming issue may be the Republicans. Republicans are actually threatening to shut down Capitol Hill to ensure that this ban does expire on October 1st. It may get hairy though…in order to do this Republicans would have to vote against a resolution to fund the federal government for the 2009 fiscal year. A similar tactic was done in 1995 when a Newt Gingrich led congress tried the same thing and it blew up in the Republican’s face. The public blamed Republicans for late Social Security checks and lost Medicare checks.

However, this time public opinion is in the Republican’s corner. The overwhelming majority of Americans support drilling for our own resources, so what is necessary is informing them of the Democrat led effort to renew the ban on offshore drilling. The Republicans have five weeks until Congress is back in session. Can they do it? It’s a tall task when the media is doing everything they can to elect Barack Obama along with every other Democrat in the country.

Spread the word and call your congressman to oppose this ban on drilling!