Terrorists For Obama

Hamas, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist militant organization (i.e. terrorist group) and political party has come out in support of their favorite U.S. Presidential candidate….Barack Obama. Hamas’ top political adviser in the Gaza Strip, Ahmed Yousef, said in an interview with World Net Daily and ABC radio that Hamas “hopes” Obama will win the presidential elections and “change” America’s foreign policy.

Yousef also went onto say this:

“I hope Mr. Obama and the Democrats will change the political discourse. … I do believe [Obama] is like John Kennedy, a great man with a great principal. And he has a vision to change America to make it in a position to lead the world community, but not with humiliation and arrogance.”

Naturally the Obama campaign ran away from this faster than it did from Rev. Jeremiah Wright a week ago. The only problem for the Obama campaign is the lingering question that will remain in voters’ minds in November. Why would a terrorist organization endorse Barack Obama?

Well, if you put yourself in the shoes of the leader of Hamas, what would you want out of America’s next President?

1. A weaker America with less military presence in the Middle East, thus allowing terrorist organizations to freely recruit, raise money, and grow.

2. A weak U.S. economy thus diminishing America’s presence in the world.

3. A more “tolerant” view of radical Islam.

4. Abandonment of Israel.

I’m not suggesting that these are Obama’s coming policies, but Hamas clearly believes that they will get more of these with Obama than they do with McCain. It is similar to Al Qaeda’s unofficial “endorsement” of John Kerry four years ago, by Al Qaeda leaders using Democratic talking points on an Al Jazeera released videotape. All organizations (labor unions, religious groups, nonprofit organizations) will endorse who they feel will be in their best interest. Terrorists want what is best for them too!

For those of us who aren’t hypnotized by Obama’s empty platitudes of change and hope, this really comes as no surprise. Obama has shown himself to be not only naive, but dangerously naive regarding foreign policy. He has suggested that he would have negotiations with Iran, Cuba, and Venezuela (without preconditions) and has suggested invading one of our allies, Pakistan. He has promised to raise taxes and has promised to immediately start pulling troops out of Iraq. He has promised to levy windfall taxes on American oil companies, which would not only wreck any hope America has of becoming energy independent, but would give foreign oil companies a distinct advantage over American oil companies. Nearly every Obama plan put forth thus far is a potential disaster that could literally take decades to fix once he left office. What better scenario for Hamas and other terrorist organizations to thrive under? A crippled America is in their best interests.

By mine and any other sane person’s calculations, Obama already has the perfect plan to accomplish the first three things on the Hamas wishlist. Raising taxes weakens the economy and pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan weakens our influence in the Middle East. This would allow terrorist organizations to recruit, train, and expand freely. Hamas recognizes that Obama is a member of a church that has remained very vocally anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian for twenty years. Yousef even went so far as to say that Obama is just “kissing up to Jews” because that is “American politics”.

There will be much more of this in the coming months. No one issue will derail the Obama campaign, but a combination of the combined controversies of Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers, and a Hamas endorsement very well could. It just depends on how hungry Americans are for a change in the wrong direction.

Iran Uses Apology Letters as Propaganda

In an unprecedented event on September 24, 2007, Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad spoke in a public forum at Columbia University. His appearance was both hailed and condemned as it was the first time an openly communist leader was allowed to speak freely on U.S. soil. Interestingly, Lee Bollinger, the Chancellor of Columbia University, not only invited Ahmadinejad to the forum, but introduced him by berating him and his communist policies.

The response by many was rightful condemnation over Iran’s policies towards women, gays, and Israel. Ahmadinejad kept on message during the forum by denying the holocaust and affirming that he felt that the U.S. presence in the Middle East was unwarranted. However, there was a letter-writing contingent in the audience that felt that Ahmadinejad was mistreated and wrongfully criticized by Bollinger. This contingent did what they do best–write apology letters to Iran!

So, now the Iranian Presidential Office has published a book entitled “Dialogue In Iranian Style”, which contains the letters of American Citizens apologizing for the “offensive” behavior of the Chancellor. If this contingent of communist letter-writing sympathizers was consistent in their ideology, shouldn’t letters have be written to all the holocaust survivors in the U.S. for allowing Ahmadinejad to deny the holocaust at a nationally televised forum?

Which is more offensive? Truthfully describing the devastatingly oppressive effects of communism and drawing attention to a culture of human rights violations or denying the reality of the holocaust? Apparently in this day and age, progressives find the truth more offensive than deliberate lies.

FITNA Release Leads to Death Threats on LiveLeak Staff

The recent web release of the film FITNA by Dutch Politician Geert Wilders was hosted on British run website LiveLeak.com and has since been removed (although the link still works) due to death threats against its staff. This is the statement from LiveLeak’s website.

Following threats to our staff of a very serious nature, and some ill informed reports from certain corners of the British media that could directly lead to the harm of some of our staff, Liveleak.com has been left with no other choice but to remove Fitna from our servers.

This is a sad day for freedom of speech on the net but we have to place the safety and well being of our staff above all else. We would like to thank the thousands of people, from all backgrounds and religions, who gave us their support. They realised LiveLeak.com is a vehicle for many opinions and not just for the support of one.

Perhaps there is still hope that this situation may produce a discussion that could benefit and educate all of us as to how we can accept one anothers culture.
We stood for what we believe in, the ability to be heard, but in the end the price was too high.

I have watched the 15 minute film and it is a compilation of verses out of the Quran calling for violence, footage from terrorist activities, and Muslim leaders preaching violence against Jews and Christians. Geert Wilders has already been targeted with assassination before, but is much more likely to face it after releasing this film. He also faces some copyright charges, but that’s irrelevant if he’s killed for this.

The film is very damning against radical Islam and seeks to have the Quran banned in Holland for the same reason that Mein Kamph was banned.  It’s isn’t very well made, but it is powerful.  Geert Wilders has a right to say what he thinks without being threatened with death.

The film was downloaded from LiveLeak.com and made it onto YouTube. If you want to watch the film, the two parts are below. It is about 15 minutes long total. I wouldn’t recommend watching it with kids.

Part 1

Part 2