Operation Chaos Working Flawlessly

Operation Chaos

If you have tuned into Rush Limbaugh recently, you may have heard what he refers to as “Operation Chaos”. If you’re unfamiliar with Operation Chaos or with Rush Limbaugh, this is a basic rundown of it:

Republicans are crossing over to vote in Democratic primaries for Hillary Clinton, not because she can get the delegate lead, but because an Obama-Clinton deadlocked race going all the way to the Democratic National Convention would benefit the Republicans. The primary objective of Operation Chaos is simply to create chaos in the Democratic party–nothing more. It isn’t to get Hillary or Obama selected as the opponent in November. The nominee will be left up to the Superdelegates in the Democratic Party to pick. There are even some calling for an early Superdelegate vote to avert such a disaster.

So, this is how this “operation” is working. The battle in the Democratic party is embittering many of the supporters of Obama and Clinton and is drawing attention away from McCain for a while, allowing him to establish his positions without any major scandals that usually accompany any presidential campaign. Also, the Democratic National Convention is only 8-9 weeks before the general election, so if the race is still undecided by convention time, the Democrats will be forced with cramming an entire general campaign in that two month time period. Not an easy task considering that candidates from each party historically move towards the center after wrapping up their party’s nomination. The Obama-Clinton battle is forcing each of them to move further and further left. It will be virtually impossible for either to move back to the political/ideological center in an eight week time period.

The new poll today released by Rasmussen shows that 44% of Democratic voters want either Obama or Hillary to drop out of the race now. 22% believe that Obama should drop out and 22% believe that Hillary should drop out. An even more interesting number is 6% believe that both Hillary and Obama should drop out of the race. What if both were to drop out? You guessed it…Al Gore would be the presumptive nominee. This race may be headed that way eventually. There are already inside talks going on inside the DNC that could lead to Al Gore getting the nomination with either Hillary or Barack as the Vice Presidential pick. This, of course, is a long shot but the possibility remains. A similar thing happened in 1968 with presidential nominee Hubert Humphrey. Humphrey was nominated as the Democratic Presidential nominee but never won a single primary before the convention.

Various news agencies have reported that Operation Chaos is working and others are reporting that it isn’t. Tough to say in the end whether it is really having a major impact, but it certainly appears to be and it’s even got Democrats in Ohio attempting to indict Rush Limbaugh and voters who switched over for voter fraud. One thing is clear though–there is more chaos in this election than there was a few months ago. The longer this goes on, the better the Republican chances are in November.

SHOCKER: Eliot Spitzer’s Party Affiliation Ignored

Yesterday morning, the governor of New York and former Attorney General, Eliot Spitzer, confessed to inappropriate behavior relating to a prostitution ring. Of course, one can only imagine what kind of behavior we are referring to. The irony drips heavily from this story as Spitzer is known for his arrogant demeanor and overly aggressive tactics at prosecuting all sorts of moral crimes on Wall Street. Spitzer had prosecuted prostitution rings/organized crime in the past and was elected as Governor on a platform of integrity and bringing morality to the Governor’s office. Oh, the irony!

But I’m not here to catalog this ongoing scandal. If you’re interested, you can always watch the news. What I am here to do is point out how Eliot Spitzer’s party affiliation is rarely mentioned in the news. When the Larry Craig bathroom sex scandal broke, you heard “Republican” just as often as you heard Craig’s own name. It’s amazing to note how Spitzer’s close ties to Hillary Clinton haven’t made news yet or the fact that Spitzer is New York’s most prominent state Democrat.

USA Today’s print edition report of the story this morning started like this:

New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer was the brash Wall Street corruption buster who made ethics his trademark. He was on many lists of future presidential contenders. On Monday, he apologized after he was accused of meeting a high-priced prostitute in a Washington, D.C., hotel last month.

What’s the big deal right? There’s no mention that he’s a Democrat. Later in the story, this is how it refers to the Republicans involved in scandals.

Sen. Larry Craig, an Idaho Republican, is serving out his term despite being arrested on an accusation of soliciting gay sex in an airport men’s room. He pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct. In a more direct parallel, Sen. David Vitter, a Louisiana Republican, was identified last year as a client of a D.C. madam. He is still in office. “It’s hard for Republicans to argue that Spitzer should go when Vitter is still in,” Sabato says.

On top of that, on the TODAY show this morning, somehow the “amazing journalist” Matt Lauer and Meredith Vieira managed to go an entire FOUR HOURS without mentioning that Spitzer was a Democrat. During that four hours there were eleven segments on Spitzer! Shocking? Maybe, but if you’ve followed the media bias in this country you can’t actually be shocked by this.

If you don’t think there is distinct media bias in this country for the Democratic party then you’re either not watching the news or you’re not watching the news closely enough. Conservatives should take heed not to rely on headlines for our news…there is always more to a story than what news sources such as USA Today and the TODAY Show tell you.

Good for them: NY Republicans Threaten to Impeach Spitzer

Did Clinton Ad Purposely Make Obama Look Darker?

This election is getting downright nasty. Personally, I’m enjoying it because it’s good entertainment. However, electing the next President of the United States is serious business. Right now on the Democratic side, it looks like it’s NOT going to be decided by the voters of this country. Based on the delegate math, the Democrats are going to have a brokered convention. Unless something MAJOR happens (health issues, criminal charges, etc), neither Obama or Hillary will have the required number of delegates by convention time. That’s just how it’s going to be folks.

So, the Democratic nominee will be decided at the Democratic National Convention in some smoke-filled room with Superdelegates receiving large amounts of cash under the table. The Superdelegates ultimately get to decide this, and if you think that none of the $50 million that Obama or the $30 million that Clinton raised last month is going to end up in the pockets of the Superdelegates, you are kidding yourself. The youngest Superdelegate on the Democratic side is Jason Rae, who is 21 years old. How sweet of a gig is that? Imagine that you’re a college kid selected to be a DNC Superdelegate. Both Hillary and Obama are trying to get your vote….imagine the possibilities. New car, free college education, $1 million deposited in a bank account in the Carribean?

Onto the nastiness…Hillary Clinton aired a campaign ad on her website that may or may not have been on TV yet, but it clearly makes Obama look darker. Is this dirty politics or did someone just screw up the lighting?

Darker Obama

It is certainly possible, and it has been done before. TIME Magazine did it back in 1996 to OJ Simpson. I wouldn’t put anything past the Clintons at this point. Hillary’s campaign did leak the Obama “Muslim” garb photo while he was in Kenya. Hillary threw pretty much everything and the kitchen sink at Obama this week and it worked. We’re starting to finally see some chinks in his armor.

Here is the Hillary Clinton ad that shows the “darkened” Obama.

Here is the orginal footage of the exchange off YouTube.

Judge for yourself. I’d love to hear what you think.